Friday, May 10, 2013


Myanmar armed forces are known as Tatmadaw. Military had been very powerful in the past. In People's Parliament there are 110 military representatives 322 civilian and in National Parliament 56 military members abd 168 civilians. Defence service personals are nominated by commander-in-Chief of Defence Forces and not elected by the people.

there has been reports that Tatmadaw regularly kidnap and conscript children and use civilians as forced labour and human mine sweepers.

The Tatmadaw is constitutionally protected and exempt from civilian oversight. 25 % seats in Parliament gives army a veto over any attmpt to alter the constitution. NDSC (Natioanl  Defence and Security council rules the roost being the most important executive body which is in effect ruled by Tatmadaw, due to its weighted membership. Even if power is transferred to civilian ( ex general) , NDSC can impose martial law, disband parliament and rule directly if a state emergency is declared .

read also

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