Friday, May 31, 2013

Eurozone sinks into longest recession - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Eurozone sinks into longest recession - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Nepal-India Home Secretary talks to discuss security issues | Business Standard

Nepal-India Home Secretary talks to discuss security issues | Business Standard

Chief Minister's Conference on Internal Security

The  Conference of the Maoist -hit states Chief Ministers will be held on 5 th June. The conference has been called by home minister and it is likely that a joint strategy to tackle the Naxal menace would be discussed . Attack on political leadership has been taken very seriously. Home Minister has said that 25 th May attack was bigger than a terror strike. After Dantewada attack, in 2010 when 76 CRPF persons were massacred. such synergy was required and if the correct action was taken, the Maoist menace would have been reined in. Better late than never !

Avinash Chander named DRDO chief | Business Standard

Avinash Chander named DRDO chief | Business Standard

FY13 economic growth at decade-low rate of 5% | Business Standard

FY13 economic growth at decade-low rate of 5% | Business Standard

Eurozone unemployment hits new record - Business - Al Jazeera English

Eurozone unemployment hits new record - Business - Al Jazeera English

US and Germany slam Russia over Syria arms - Americas - Al Jazeera English

US and Germany slam Russia over Syria arms - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Civilians among dead in Nigeria offensive - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Civilians among dead in Nigeria offensive - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Kyrgyzstan declares state of emergency - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Kyrgyzstan declares state of emergency - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

High Speed Rail Authority of India (HSRA)

High Speed Rail Authority of India (HSRA)  would speed up laying high speed trains in India. Presently Bhopal Shatabdi is the fastest train in India runnig at a speed of 150 km /hr.

French National Railway Company (SNCF)

French National Railway Company (SNCF)  is carrying a study of Mumbai-Ahmadabad rail link and likely to complete the study by Dec 2013. The study started in January . India has requested for 33.8 billion Euro support from SNCF.

After completion of the study, India may go ahead with the project or bid it out. Japan has already thrown its hat in the ring. 


TGV runs trains at a speed of 320 km per hour, highest in the world. A TGV test train has set the record for fastest wheeled train at 574.8 km per hour. it is run by SNCF, the national rail operator in France.

Mumbai - Ahmadabad high speed rail link

India and Japan have agreed to co-finance a joint  feasibility study on first speed railway between Mumbai and Ahmadabad, a 500 km long stretch. Japanese bullet train technology would cost about one trillion Yen ( 56309.2 Crores).

Japan's loan for Mumbai Metro

A 71 billion Yen( INR 3943 Crores) loan has been offered by Japan for development of third pahase of underground Mumbai Metro.This will connect Colaba to SEEPZ( Santacruz Electronics Export Processing Zone) located in Andheri East.


India -Japan Summit Meeting Outcome

The following were important issues agreed between India and Japan's Prime Minister's ( Manmohan Singh and  Shinzo Abe):-

1. Speed up talks for early deal for supply of  Japanese nuclear plants and technology for meeting India's demand of power. ( it will also give a boost to Toshiba and hittachi, who are facing opposition on home ground after Fukushima disaster)

2. To hold regular naval exercises to expand defence cooperation. first naval exercise was held in June 2012.

3. to strengthen co-operation in renewable energy , energy conservation , clean coal technologies and liquefied natural gas.

4. India expressed interest in extraction of natural gas from under sea methane hydrate deposits.

Japan supports India's membership in International control organisation

During recent visit of Indian Prime Minister to Japan, India's inclusion in International control organisation was supported. These organisations are :-

1. The Nuclear supplier Group.
2. The Missile Technology Control Regime.
3. The Australia group.
4. The Wassenaar Arrangement.

Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty

Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty is a proposed treaty ( details are being discussed and yet to be finalised) which will prohibit further production of weapon grade Uranium and Plutonium.

In recent Indian Prime Minister's visit to Japan, the two countries have agreed to promote talks on FMCT.

The Nuclear Supplier Group

The Nuclear Supplier Group was founded in 1974 in response to Indian Nuclear test Pokhran 1. the group controls transfer and export of materiel which could be used in nuclear weapon development. 

Members countries of NSG do not trade in nuclear weapons with a country which has not signed NPT. In 2008, NSG members granted a waiver in favour of India, who has not signed NPT. To accommodate civilian nuclear deal with India, US Congress in 2006 has amended US laws.

US and French Presidents , during their state visit to India, in 2010, has expressed support for India's inclusion in NSG.

Missile Technology Control Regime

Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR) created in 1987 by Canada, France, Germanyaly , Great Britain and the United States( but now grown to 34 copuntries ), to curb spread of unmanned delivery system which could carry a payload of 500 kg to a minimum distance of 300 km. In 1992, in Oslo, UAVs were also included above ban.

Australia Group

Australia Group was created on the initiative of Austalia in 1985, as an informal group .It has 41 member countries and it requires them not to contribute towards spread of chemical and biological weapons. Member countries should not export anything which can be used importing country chemical or biological weapon programme.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wassenaar Arrangement

Wassenaar Arrangement (The Wassenaar Arrangement for conventional arms and dual use goods and technologies) has 41 participating countries and many belong to erstwhile COMECON. Established in Wassenaar near Hague in 1996, is a multilateral export control regime.


COMECON is was an  economic organisation set up bythen USSR and it comprised of eastern bloc countries.Its aim was to retain soviet influence countries within its sphere of influence.


Established by western powers after end of second world war. It was aimed to put an arms embargo on COMECON countries. Wassenaar Arrangement succeeded it, after it ceased functioning in 1994.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Wali-ur-Rahman, killed in US drone attack in Miranshah, was second in command of TPP. He had a prize money of $ 5 million. He was poised to succeed Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of Pakistani Taliban.He was chief military strategist of TPP and had participated in cross border attacks  on NATO personnel, CIA post andon US persons in Afghanistan allegedly.

The Pakistani Taliban

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TPP) came into inception in 2007. It is a separate entity allied to afghan Taliban. TPP has launched many attacks against Pakistani civilians and Pakistani military.

CIA's secret drone War

CIA's drone war is mainly concentrated in border regions of Pakistan. It also its programme against Al Qaeda linked terrorists in Yemen and Somalia. Since 2004, more than 350 Drone Strikes have been carried out in Pakistan and about 100 total in Yemen and Somalia and about 3000 people killed , as per best estimates by independent groups. CIA's attack details are classified and not disclosed.

Controlling drone attacks

Drones attacks  are mainly conducted by military in its war effort and US Military has routinely conducted drone strikes in the war zone. More that 500 drone attacks has been conducted in 2012 in Afghanistan.

Drones used by US in its war on terror

In its war on terror, Predators and reapers are the drones that are being heavily relied upon. These are armed with Hellfire missiles and are controlled from mainly US and US bases closer to the war zones  like Sicily and Djibouti.

Drone Attack Policy

US has revised its Drone Attack Policy recently. New guidelines say that drone attack should only be used, when :-
a.  to stop an imminent attack.
b. when the capture of suspect is not feasible.
c. when there is a 'near certainty' that civilians would not be killed.

Top Pakistan Taliban leader 'killed by drone' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Top Pakistan Taliban leader 'killed by drone' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Indian Navy carrying out exercise with Singapore Navy

The joint naval exercise between India Navy and Singapore navy is being carried out south east of Strait of Malacca. A flotilla of four ships led by INS Satpura( a stealth frigate) has left for strait of Malacca on 20 May 2013. Other three ships are Rajput class destroyer INS Ranvijay, a Kora class Corvette INS Kirch and INS Shakti, the fleet tanker. The deployment is a part of  operational  overseas deployment.

Oil reserves in South Sea

South China Sea  has about 11 billion barrels (bbl) of oil reserves and 190 trillion cubic feet ( tfc) of natural gas lying inside  its bed.


Waziristan is part of Federally Administered Tribal Area ( FATA). Pashto is the main language . The area has been consistently in news for terrorist hideouts since war on terror began in 2001.

Miran Shah

Miran Shah is located in North Waziristan, which is very close to Afghan Pakistan border. It was in the news when a senior taliban commander has been killed in a drone attack.

Two child policy for Rohingya criticized

Burma's opposition leader has criticized 'two child policy' for Rohingyas. Rohingyas are muslims in Burma and the policy was aimed to control their population in western Rakhine state. Muslims have to limit upto one wife. These tow districts are on Burma's border with Bangladesh and enforced since 2005.

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Israel warns Russia over Syria arms delivery - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Israel warns Russia over Syria arms delivery - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Israel has carried out raids in Syrian territory with impunity. Supply of air defence weapon to Syria by Russia will reduce the air superiority edge of Israelis.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Anti-Naxal operation to intensify in red zone | Business Standard

Anti-Naxal operation to intensify in red zone | Business Standard

'Naxals from AP, Odisha involved in Chhattisgarh attack' | Business Standard

'Naxals from AP, Odisha involved in Chhattisgarh attack' | Business Standard

Russia: missile deal protects Syria from invasion | Business Standard

Russia: missile deal protects Syria from invasion | Business Standard

UK banks cut 189,000 jobs with employment at 9-yr low | Business Standard

UK banks cut 189,000 jobs with employment at 9-yr low | Business Standard

Govt moots steps to improve regional air connectivity | Business Standard

Govt moots steps to improve regional air connectivity | Business Standard

Blind Boy scores 95 % is Science in CBSE.

Kartik Sawhney scored 95 % aggregate in science with computers in CBSE plus two exam. He is going to Stanford University . As per new changes in  IIT- JEE rules , it is impossible for a blind student to qualify

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Sri Lankan President's china Visit

This is Mahindra Rajapaksa's sixth visit to China and first after Xi Jinping taking over as President of China. It is expected that China would announce more infrastructure development project during the visit. China is already developing Hambantota port in Srilanka.

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National Investigation Agency (NIA)

National Investigation Agency (NIA) is a central anti terror agency. It  can take up  terror related crimes without specific permission from states( law and order is a state i.e. provincial subject).Drug trafficking and counterfeit currency has been clubbed together with terrorism.

NIA has been entrusted with task of investigating into attack in  Chhattisgarh naxalite attack.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Parivartan rally

Parivartan rally is in the news , when a congress party rally in Chhattisgarh got ambushed near Sukma and killed 30 persons including  top congress leaders of the state and founder of Salwa Judum.

The Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale)

The Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale) is a scale that gives damaging power of a tornado and tornado strength  rating. It was developed by Dr Fujita.Starting from EF0, EF 1,  EF 2,EF3,EF4,EF5 and implemented in US in 2007.

The Oklahoma tornado was rated EF 5 and had a wind speed of over 200 miles per hour.


A whirlwind sort of rotating column of air, which is in contact with earth and vertically dense cumulonimbus cloud( 2000-16000 m).

From 110 mile to 300 miles per hour of wind speed, can stay and travel on ground for dozens of miles before dissipating.

Mary Fallin

She is the current Governor of US State of Oklahoma.


Obama visits Oklahoma

Oklahoma , located in south central United States is a major crude oil producer( 5 th largest in US). A half a mile wide tornado tore through Oklahoma  suburb on 19 May, causing a 17-mile long corridor of destruction and flattening blocks of homes,two school, a hospital.


Brutal Naxal Attack

PM’s Tokyo trip: time to look back in love

PM’s Tokyo trip: time to look back in love

Noble Karma in death

Noble Karma in death

A French Soldier Stabbed

A French Soldier was stabbed while on patrol. The bearded person was praying near the spot. Soldier Cédric Cordiez survived the attack .

Rockets in Beirut

four persons were injured in South Lebanon , when two rockets crashed into the area controlled by the Hezbollah, which is fighting on the side of President Bashar Al Assad.

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12 Minutes Ad Rule

TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has put a ban on advertising beyond 12 minutes per hour on news channel and 16 minutes ban on other channels. This would be effective from 1 October.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Atlas Mountains

Atlas Mountains is a mountain range stretching through Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia and is about 2500 km long. It separates Mediterranean and Atlantic coast from Sahara desert. Toubkal ( 4167 m) is its highest peak.


Tunisia is the smallest country in North Africa. Algeria on the west and Libya on South East and Mediterranean on its North and East, Tunisia's capital Tunis is located in its North East.It is a Megreb( meaning west) country and West of Egypt upto Atlas Mountain.southern part of the country is the stretch of Sahara desert.

Arab Spring

Arab Spring is revolutionary wave of protests, demonstrations, violence . civil war etc in the Arab world and directed against despotic rulers, dictators, monarchy etc, who have been in power for a very long period and  curbing democratic rights of their citizens.It started in December 2010 and still continuing.

Alawite heartland

Alawite is the community of Syria, numbering about 12 % of Syria's population, from which Assad family comes and also the fiercest fighters loyal to Assad are drawn.They are located in Tartous region , the second lagest port city of Syria.              ( Latakia is the largest one). Tartaus is both coastal and mountainous.


Al-Qusayr,height 540 m, is  a town situated in a mountaionous area overlooking Syria's border with Lebanon.The region is very important from Syrian rebels point of view as it is on their supply routes and also important from the government's point as it provides a secure corridor to Mediterranean Coast ( Syrian government force may form a new state in Alawite heartland, about one third of present Syria). Mediterranean and Russia can be linked up in a safe manner.
Syrian army along with Hezbollah started Al Qusayr offensive on 4 April 2013 by laying a siege of the town and nearby area. after gaining lot of ground , artillery barrage ( a sweeping carpet of artillery fire) is being unleashed  on rebels, the heaviest one in recent time.

Radaition Hazard

The International Commission of Radiological Protection recommends an annual dose of less 1 millisievert , but upto 100 millisievert per year sno significant risk of cancer. But a dose greater than 1 Seiverrt in a short time can cause radiological poisoning and possibly death within weeks.

In Japan, four scientists received 1.6 milliseivert of dosage , when an accident was caused during firing a proton beam at gold.

Syria agreed to attend international conference

Syria agreed to attend international conference in Geneva in June 2013 . The conference has been propsed by United States and Russia.

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Phillipine troops clash with Abu Sayyaf

In an operation to hunt down Abu Sayyaf fighters and rescue six hostaes ( foreign and Filipino), seven marines and equal number of Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed. The operation was supported by assault helicopters.

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Abu Sayyaf

Abu Sayyaf is an Islamic Movement, based in southern part of Phillipines and is engaged in insurgency for about 30 years.they have been involved in various terrorist activities form bombing, kidnapping, extortion to criminal activities such as rape, drug trafficking etc.

Salwa Judum

Salwa Judum means Purification Hunt in Gondi language.

State Government of Chhattisgarh  provided support and training to local tribal youth to fight naxalites, but afterwards in 2011, the  Supreme Court ordered the state government to take back all arms and ammunition provided to Salwa Judum, who were being criticized for human rights violation.

Its founder Mahendra Karma was killed in an Naxalite attack on 25 May 2013.

Gondi Language

It is a south central Dravidian language having its own script, which has been rediscovered after having been lost for a long time. It has rich folk literature in form of marriage songs. spoken by about two million Gondi people in Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

UZBEKISTAN no land links with INDIA

Though Uzbekistan is interested in doing business with India, but for want of a land route, it is not prospering. Uzbekistan has lots of untapped reserves of minerals.

Bangladesh Supply Corridor

Bangladesh has allowed India to transport 10,000 tons of foodgrains to Tripura through its territotry.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nepal's army chief visiting China

Genreal Gaurav Shumsher Rana is visiting China from June 13-20 with a view to strengthen security relations and military to military ties. He was awarded rank of honorary General by President Pranab  Mukherjee, during his visit to India on 7 January 2013.


Agartala to Kolkata via Bangladesh

I travelled many times from Agartala to Calcutta by air, flying over Bangladesh. Duirng monsoon the country seemed to be vast expanse of water and roads and villages just surfacing out of water. The travel time was just about one hour. Limited number of flights were available those days(1990s) and a long waiting list. If you could not take a ticket, enjoy the once capital of British India ,Fort William and many many sights of the city. And if waiting was still longer, take a train to Guwahati and move through Meghalaya, Lower Assam ( Silchar) and then to Agartala through insurgency infested jungles of North East, which could take upto two to three days depending upon the availability of protection and convoys.

Dhaka Kolkata bus service started in 1999 and Agartala dhaka bus service agreed in 2001.
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Padma River

Starting in India( Gangotri, Western Himalays) as Ganga , known in Bangladesh as Padma .Mighty Jamuna ( Lower Brahmputra) joins enroute.Before entering Bay of Bengal , it is joined by Meghana .

Buddha Jayanti ( Birthday)

2557 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated on 25 May 2013. Buddha was born in Lumbini (Nepal), enlightened in Bodhgaya(Bihar) and died in Kushimagar(UP) on the same day i.e.full moon of  fourth lunar month Baisakh.

We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

"We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks"  is a documentary by Alex Gibney. 

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MI 5

MI 5( Military Intelligence, section 5) is the domestic security and counter intelligence agency of United Kingdom. MI 5 is facing a House of commons enquiry on the fact that  the two suspects of broad day light killing of a british soldier were known to MI

India -Japan Summit

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is visiting Japan from May 27-30.This is an annual India-Japan summit, where the Prime Minister is going with a high level delegation.


Gwadar,located in Balochistan province of Pakistan is a planned port city.Strategically important to China, the port has been taken over by China. 60 % of crude oil comes to China from gulf , which travels over 16,000 km. Use of this port will reduce the distance by 2500 km. The port will be operational round the year. Linking it to Xinjiang, is a very crucial step from China's point and explains the expediency of  rail link development..

Gwadar to Xinjiang

A rail link from Gwadar to Xinjiang via POK has been strongly objected by India. An accord for the rail link was recently inked during Li Keqiang's vist to Pakistan. Ranjan Mathai, India's foreign  secretary, has said that India has serious reservation about the project. But, it appears china is determined to build infrastructure in POK 

The 'Nitaqat' Law

The 'Nitaqat' Law of Saudi Arabia , which has come into force in Saudi Arabia, which mandates local companies to hire one Saudi  national for every 10 migrant workers.the law has given grace period till 3 July after which all illegally migrated persons would be jailed and heavily penalised. There are about 75,000 India who are in a panic situation to return to India. Salman Khursheed is visiting Saudi Arabia India is issuing Emergency Certificates to its national to facilitate their return.

The Lawrence School, Sanawar

The Lawrence School, Sanawar is located in Shimla hills, halfway to Shimla from Chandigarh.Situated at a height of 1750 meters , it was established in 1847.

The school is in the news recently six boys from this school has climbed Mount Everest and they have become the youngest team to scale the highest peak of the world.

source and

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lee Rigby

Lee Rigby, an off duty soldier who was killed in broad day light. The killing was watched by horrifies bystanders ( few made videos of the scene when killers were carrying butchers knives.

Rigby,25 had a 2 year old son.

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The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

It is an infantry regiment . It has only two battalions- the 1 st and 2nd. The 3 nd battalion is due to be disbanded as part of Army  2020 defence Review.

Slain off duty soldier Lee Rigby belonged to the second battallion , The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Lee was brutally killed on a busy London street near royal Artillery .  Lee has served in Afghanistan and was sporting a T-shirt for Help for Heroes, a British charity which helps wounded soldiers.

Saudi Arabia'sbailout package to Pakistan

Pakistan is expected to receive 1 lakh barrels of crude oil and 15,000 a day from Saudi Arabia for three years on deferred payment. This help will amount upto $ 15 billion. Incoming prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has stayed in exile in Saudi Arabia and is supposed to be close to royal Saudi family.

India born judge for US second highest court

Chandigarh born, Srikanth Srinivasan has been confirmed as the first south asian judge of second highest American court.He was nominated unanimously with 97 vote in favour.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Immigration reform bill

Immigration reform bill has been passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill seeks to expand H-1B Visa and offer path to citizenship to more than 11 million including 2,60,000 Indians . After passing the first test, the bill now goes to Senate and will require 60 votes to pass in 100 seat senate.

Li Keqiang in Pakistan

Li is visiting Pakistan and has assured Pakistan that irrespective of evolving regional and international situation, China will remain committed to its strategic partnership with Pakistan. Trade between two countries is expected to hit $ 15 Billion in two-three years from present $12 Billion.About a dozen MOUs pertaining to economic issues, energy and science are likely to be inked during the visit.

Training Afghan Army

Indian army is training about 800 personnel from Afghanistan including about 100 cadets being trained in  various pre -officer commissioning academies ( like Indian Military Academy, National Defence Academy , OTA etc)

Now Afghanistan is looking for more vacanies for courses in India and especially with the counter insurgency and counter terrorism schools etc. After all, they have to gear up fast to protect themselves, once US troops withdraws from Afghanistan in 2014.

Arms exports to Afghanistan

Afghanistan  is looking for military hardware from India. The wish list is fairly long. Afghanistan wants armoured vehicles, utility helicopter, heavy weaponry, communication equipment and maintenance of their helicopter fleet. 

India is building roads and hospitals in Afghanistan.


The National Rural Health Mission (2005-12) seeks to provide effective healthcare to rural population throughout the country with special focus on 18 states, which have weak public health indicators and/or weak infrastructure.

• These 18 States are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Mizoram,  Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh. 

• The Mission is an articulation of the commitment of the Government to raise public spending on Health from 0.9% of GDP to 2-3% of GDP.

Adoloscent Anaemia

Adolescent Anaemia is a long standing public health problem in India and it is estimated that more than 5 Crores adolescents (15 to 19 years are anaemic in the country). Anaemia is caused by Iron deficiency and adolescents are at high risk of Iron deficiency and thereby anaemia due to accelerated growth and body mass building, poor dietary intake of iron and high rate of worm infestation In girls deficiency of iron is further aggravated with higher demands with onset of menstruation and also due to the problem of adolescent pregnancy and conception.

Weekly iron and folic supplementation (WIFS) programme

Ministry of health and family welfare has launched  Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) Programme for school going adolescent girls and boys and for out of school adolescent girls. The Programme envisages administration of supervised weekly IFA Supplementation and biannual deworming tablets to approximately 13 crore rural and urban adolescents through the platform of Govt/Govt. aided and municipal school and Anganwadi Kendra and combat the intergenerational cycle of anaemia.

WIFS was in the news recently, when in Haryana more than 100 children has taken ill after consumption of Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplement


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tashi and Nacy

Tashi and Nacy Malik are the first twins, 21, to conquer Mount Everest together. The women are from Dehradun.

Arunima Sinha

Arunima Sinha, 25, has become the first Indian amputee to climb Mount Everest. A national level volleyball player was thrown off a running train, while resisting criminals from snatching her chain.

Vice President of India visiting Uzbekistan

Hamid Ansari is on a visit to Uzbekistan. Other than post US withdrawl security situation in Afghanistan, import of Uranium is also expected to high on agenda.Uzbekistan has an explored and estimated Uranium reserves of 185,800 tons.


Uzbekistan is only doubly land locked central Asian nation . It has borders with four other central Asian nation and also a short border with Afghanistan. Islam Karimov is the President.


Tashkent is capital of Uzbekistan.It was part of erstwhile USSR.It is also the most cosmopolitan city of Uzbekistan. Lal Bahadur Shastri , second prime minister of India ,signed Tashkent agreement on 10 January 1966, which was a peace agreement following 1965 Indo-Pak War of 1965.

Shashtri died at Tashkent o following day, when he was still in Tashkent.

New Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG).

Shashi Kant Sharma, 1976 batch Bihar cadre office and present Defence Secretary succeeds Vinod Rai on superannuation.
President has appointed Sharma under terms of Article 148(1).CAG is appointed for a term of 6 years or till attainment of age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.

Article 148(1)

Article 148(1) in The Constitution Of India 1949
(1) There shall be a Comptroller and Auditor General of India who shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal and shall only be removed from office in like manner and on the like grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ksheer Scanner

Developed by Central Electronics engineering Research Instittute( CEERI), Ksheer Scanner is a real time automated system capable of detecting urea, detergent, boric acide , caustic soda, hydorgen peroxide etc etc. CEERI located at Pilani and Chennai, is a constituent laboratory of Council of scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) located at New Delhi.

NADA Dope Test

Boxer Vijendra's Dope Test has come out negative and he is expected to be back in the ring soon.

Article 21 A

Right to education. Constitution was  amended ( 86 th),2002 and and a new article 21 A was inserted. "21A. The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine."

While strongly disapproving policy of Shiksha Sahayak , a bench of Justice BS Chauhan and Justice Dipak Mishra expressed shock the even after implementation of Right to education. teachers were appointed on ad hoc basis in primary schools.

Vidya Sahayak ..Shiksha Sahayak and Shiksha Shatru

A bench of Honourable Supreme Court has come down heavily on the populist policies of various state governments and observed that it was shocking and  future of the country can not be allowed to be spoiled.

Monday, May 20, 2013


It is national intelligence agency of Israel. Reporting to Prime Minister directly, the orgaisation is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operation, counter terrorism. Mohammad Heydari was hanged by Iran as he was convicted of providing intelligence to Mossad pertaining to security issues.

Hafiz Saeed's Chief Security Officer Killed

Khalid Bashir, chief security officer of Hafiz Saeed, who has allegedly masterminded Mumbai Attack in 2008.

Hafiz Saeed is Chief of Jamaat-Ud-Dawa. a charity wing of Laskar-e-Toiba.

Pakistani Women on Mt Everest

Close on the heels of Saudi women, Raha  Moharrak,Samina Baig ,21 has climbed Mount Everest and has become first Pakistani women to climb the summit. Mt Everest is 8848 Meters high.

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hot Cheerleaders in South Korea


An unconnected district of Puducherry and separated by about 800 km Pondicherry, the capital and largest city of the Union Territory. Yannam is an enclave of  Andhra  Pradesh.It is one of the former four enclaves of French India.
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Four Year's Undergraduate Programme

Delhi University is going to introduce a Four Year's Undergraduate Programme from this academic session.Hence , instead of 10+2+3 there will be a diploma, if  a student exit after two years, a graduation degree after three years and a graduation degree with honours / B tech after completion of four years.
This new programme is being resented across the board.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates,57, is world's richest person once again, as per tthe Bloomberg's Billlionaire list. He captures the position  from Carlos slim, Mexican business magnate. Slim's America Movil is the largest mobile operator of Americas and gates is the co-founder of Microsoft. Gates has held the Bloomberg's richest rank in 2007 also.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Operation Agata 7

Brazil has launched a  biggest  joint operation with military, navy,airforce ,police , federal police,highway patrol and other government agencies in tow. The idea is to clean up and sanitise Brazil with drug smuggling, trafficking in arms, environmental crimes, illegal immigration and other crimes, which infest Brazil, which has borders with 10 countries, 16,86km long .

Brazil is going to couduct very important and prestigious events. These are The Confederation Cup ( 15 day Fifa event) followed by hosting of 'World Youth Day' in Rio and then visit of Pope Francis. this is going to first international visit of Pope outside Vatican.

To take no chances, Brazil's airforce will be deploying Super Tucano Aircraft ( A-29) F5EM, aircraft radars, UAVs and helicopters.Army is using its aircraft and armoured  vehicles, whereas navy is deploying river patrol boats, UH-12 helicopters, ships and floating hospitals.

By doing these exercise, arrangements for upcoming World Cup ,2014 will also be fine tuned. The matches are to be played in six Brazilian cities- Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Fortaleza, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. 

On 30 March a 21 year old American woman was kidnapped and  gang raped in a mini bus in Rio. Operation Agata 7 is an effort to make Brazil totally sanitize and make fool proof arrangemenst ahead of the events to ensure that international travelers move around in Brazil completely free of any type of fear!

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Dalai Lama

Tenzin gaytso, the present and 14 th Dalai Lama, was born in Quinghai province of China in village Hong'ai. He was born in an agriculturist family in 1936 and at the age of two , he was anointed as incarnation of 13 th Dalai Lama Thubten Gaytso. He fled to India in 1959, opposing Chinese rule in Tibet.

His birthplace in the news, which is being named Haidong and being urbanised with a multi million dollar plan.
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Daniel Stani-Reginald Jailed for at least 30 years for raping and killing 24 year old Indian

The boot is on the other foot

The ' Tamarrud' ( Arabic for 'rebel') campaign has collected three million signatures so far. Tahrir square is now scene of anti Morsi and anti Muslim Brotherhood movement.Hundreds of protesters flocked to tahrir and the movement was dubbed'Back to Square'
During Arab Spring, the square was scene of gathering of anti Mubarak protesters , which turned the tables for him and Morsi came into power.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Russia sends advanced anti ship cruise missiles to Syria

Yakhonts, 22 ft long missiles carry HE/AP warhead and have a range of 180 km. In addition to guidance by longer range radar, they can also be helped by its own radar to evade ship's anti missile system and can home in comfortably.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Raksha Shakti University is established by Government of Gujrat and approved by UGC. It is first of its kind in the country to conduct upto degree level courses in police science and internal security.

Jugaad Vehicle

Jugaad Vehicle, is an improvised vehicle where an assembly of cart, engine gear box etc used for carriage of load and persons everywhere in country on roads and highways. They are without any number plates and are not registered and do not pay any taxes. Supreme Court has directed all states to ensure that Jugaad vehicles to ply under the provision of  Motor vehicles Act , 1988.

Creamy Layer

After Mandal Commission recommendation 27 % quota were given to other backward classes(OBC). In Indra Sahney judgment, honourable Supreme Court in 1992 decided that socially advanced group within the OBCs should be excluded for the benefit and Government was asked to fix a criteria for these advanced   group   ( Creamy Layer). Initially this was fixed at an income of Rs 1 Lakh, and amended fourth time to raise upto Rs 6 Lakh on May 16, 2013.

National Commission for backward Classes ( NCBC) had recommended a ceiling of Rs 12 Lakh in metro area and Rs 9 Lakh in non-metro area.

Kumari Shelja is the Social Justice Minister of India.


Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA),enacted in 1999, is a law to combat organised crime and terrorism.Under the law, confession to Senior Police Officer, would be admissible in court. There is no provision for bail in this law.

IPL players who allegedly were involved in spot fixing are likely to be charged under the act.

Put the towel in your trousers....Spot Fixing

Put the towel in your trousers, take time setting up the field, take out the shirt or vest and such like were codes between spot fixers and the bookies so as when to start the fixing giving assent to bookies, so that he can start betting.

A goof up , when Ajit Chandila did not pull up his shirt before starting the fixed over, so that bookies could bet, although he conceded 14 he had to return 20  lakhs advanced to him. Sreesanth did put a towel in his pocket in second over and did stretching exercise but conceded only 13 runs in place of 14.. minor abberations. The foregoing was given by Delhi Police Commissioner , Neeraj Kumar.

As compared to match fixing, where overall result was fixed, in limited over matches there is lot of betting on runs scored in specific overs.

Chinese Stealth Fighter J-20

UN Resolution on Syria

UN Resolution on Syria was passed in General Assembly, but Russia and China were amongst 12 countries who voted against 59 abstentions including India, Brazil and South Africa.

The resolution drafted by Arab countries, favouring the rebels , called for a political transition in Syria and condemned Government's use of heavy weapons.


Emergency in Nigeria

President Goodluck Jonathan has declared a state of emergency in North Eastern part of the state to flush out militancy. Boko Haram ( meaning western education is sinful) has been responsible for about 1750 killings in Nigeria. Boko Haram killed a church leader, within 24 hours of declaration of emergency.

66th international film festival in Cannes

(From left): Members of the jury Christoph Waltz, Vidya Balan, Daniel Auteuil, Nicole Kidman, president Steven Spielberg and Ang Lee pose at the 66th international film festival in Cannes on Wednesday, 16 May 2013. — AP/PTI
The Cannes International Film Festival, is an annual film festival held in Cannes, France, which previews new films of all genres, including documentaries, from around the world. Wikipedia

X-47B US Drone

X-47B US Drone

ceiling- 12,192 Meters
Range- 3890 Km
Wing Span- 19 M (Predator -15 Meter)
Weight -6350 Kg ( Predator 499 Kg)

Tailless, completely programmable drone, the size of a jet, was took off first time off  deck of US aircraft carrier. It is capable of carrying weapons and provide round the clock surveillance and targeting.

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Rawabi, meaning hills, is an eco city in Palestinian West Bank. It is located between Ramallah and Nabulus and it will be first planned city in Palestine.

please read

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Subbarao fires up markets | Business Standard

Subbarao fires up markets | Business Standard

D Subbarao is RBI Governor

India and China

India and China "must shake hands" to make Asia an "engine of the world economy".

 - See more at:

Nakba Day

Nakba Day is observed on 15 May every year by Palestinians . On this day in 1948, Israeli independence  was declared and seven lakh Palestinians became refugee. Now, those refugees and their descendants number 7 million and live in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza strip.

Nakba means catastrophe or disaster.

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Mount Hermon

Mount Hermon is the highest point in Syria ( 2814 m).The top ' Hermon Hotel' is the highest permanent manned UN position in the world, which is buffer between Syria and Israel.

It was in the news when Syrian fired two projectiles hit Israeli occupied 'Mount Hermon'

Indian Armed Forces Persons in US for joint exercise

The Joint India-US exercise aims at practicing parachute borne and helicopter landed troops to enter a third country on UN mandate, to rescue the civilians.

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All Women Recruitment Rally: CISF

CISF, looking after security of Airports, Metro, are going to hold all women recruitment rally for the first time.By surrendering male posts, they are going to increase the women percentage from 4.3 ( present highest  among central police force) to 10 %.



BSE Sensex closed at 20,213 a 27 month high.

Super Priority Visa to UK

Super Priority Visa to UK is a same day visa scheme ( at an additional cost of 600 Pounds). This will facilitate urgent travelers. This is first of its kind service launched by UK anywhere in world.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment

Located at Manali, the DRDO establishment caters for the requirement of the armed forces and snow bound areas of Himalayan region to combat hazards of snow and avalanche.


China’s first ‘blue book’ on India sees a government in ‘serious crisis’ - The Hindu

China’s first ‘blue book’ on India sees a government in ‘serious crisis’ - The Hindu

The book , first on India, takes note of India expanding its armed forces and navy. Earlier it was only Pakistan centric, but now it has dual focus,both Pakistan and China's threat in mind. The book sees India facing numerous challenges, particularly of corruption.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s first stop is New Delhi - The Hindu

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s first stop is New Delhi - The Hindu

After staying for 26 years in Canada , a convicted terrorist deported to Lebanon

Mahmoud Mohammad , member of Lebanon based 'Front for Liberation of Palestine' attacked Israeli El Al Flight 253, a Boeing 707 enroute from Tel Aviv, Israel to New York ,while the flight was departing from a layover in Athens, Greece.

The Greek Government , later pardoned Mohammad in 1970 and commuted 18 year sentence, following negotiation during hostage taking aboard another plane.In 1987, he along with his family was granted permanent residency in Canada, but he did not disclose his 'terrorist' past in the application.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Putin Netanyahoo Meeting

Putin Netanyahoo Meeting  is likely to be held shortly in Russia. Israel is worried over Russia supplying advanced weapons to Syria ( more concern about S-300). the venue may be Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi.


Rohigya Muslim's boat capsizes

About 200 Rohingya  Muslims passengers died , when their boat capsized in Western Mayanmar. They were being evacuated due to Cyclone Mahsen warning . Thousands of Rohingyas are staying in temporary camps in low lying area and  flood/ tidal surge may put their lives in danger. after violene against Rohingya started in Myanmar, they moved to temporary camps in large number.

Cyclone Mahasen

Tropical Cyclone Mahasen , in south east Bay of Bengal, is likely to shift towards Bangladesh and Mayanmar.Presently at a speed of 80 km pr hour, it is likely to pick up 100-110 km after hitting land. the effect of the cyclone will be most in north eastern regions.

Comfort women for Soldiers in World War II

Late term abortions in house of horror

After routinely performing late term abortion( Pennsylvania 24 week limit), Dr Gosnell, 72 , earned $ 1.8 million approx a year. He performed thousands of abortions in his career. He would deliver the baby alive and then snip it . The Philadelphia doctor has been found guilty of first degree murder of three babies and may face a death penalty, when jury returns next week.Abortion right group question validity of tough anti abortion laws , which drive desperate women to unregulated backstreet clinics


Nimitz strike Group

Nimitz strike Group, a strike group of US Navy with 64 aircrafts, crusiers and destroyer has arrived at Busan, a port in South Korea , on a scheduled deployment to the Asian region.


Thula Fort

Yemen( capital Sana'a ) is located south of Saudi Arabia and West of Oman. Yemen is one of the oldest centre of civilisation. Thula fort is located 45 km from Sana'a and is nominated for 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, given every three years to projects in which Muslims have a significant presence.

Chinese Industrial Park In India

China has proposed to set up an Industrial park in India . The proposal came during Salman Khursheed's visit to China.

Trade deficit : India China Trade

With a trade of about $ 75 billion , between India and China, there is deficit of more than $ 20 billion in favour of China. India and China have set up a target of $100 billion by 2015 of bilateral trade but the deficit is worrying India. India is seeking more market in pharmaceuticals  and Information Technology sectors. During coming Chinese Premier visit beginning 19 May , there is a possibility of signing BCIM( Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar) economic corridor and a regional trading arrangement. Agreement on micro irrigation and waste water management may also be signed. a relaxed visa regime for business person is also on the cards.

Kolkata to Kunming

Yunnan Province - Gateway project

The Gateway project envisages to make a complete network of superhighways in Yunnan and road to cities and tourist sites.

Yunnan Province

Located in far South West of  China, Yunnan is a mountainous province rich in natural resource and has largest reserve of Aluminium, lead and tin in China. It also has major reserve of copper and nickel.It has largest plant diversity in China. It borders Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Kunming is its capital.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Siddaramaiah to be sworn in as Karnataka CM today | Business Standard

Siddaramaiah to be sworn in as Karnataka CM today | Business Standard

India, China to explore pact on relaxed biz visa regime during Li's visit | Business Standard

India, China to explore pact on relaxed biz visa regime during Li's visit | Business Standard

BCIM Forum

BCIM Forum is an initiative of the civil society organisation of Bangladesh, China,India and Mayanmar. It was founded in Kunming,China in 1999. The organisation aims at greater integration of trade and investment between the four countries.

On 25 Feb2013, a 3-day log conference of BCIM Forum was held at Dacca. In the joint statement , the forum observed a need for joint exploration of natural gases,collaborative investment in energy sector and development of cross border trade and and movement of energy within the region. It was also said that BCIM countries could gain from development of multi-modal road-rail-water and air linkages within the region.China stressed on turning highways into expressways.

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Result Goof Up - cause of alleged suicide

An IAS aspirant committed suicide, when a different name appeared under his roll number. Should not UPSC  start  a 24 hour call centre/ helpline to satisfy queries of  large number of candidates taking various examinations and facing different types and degree of difficulty , with response not forthcoming in desirable manner?

Amritsar di Balle Balle

Prime Minsiter Manmohan Singh studied at Hindu College , Amritsar. Before migrating to Pakistan , Nawaz Sharif's father lived in Amrisar ( village Jatti Umra).Present Chief of Army Staff also belongs to Amritsar ( Rayya- Kaler Ghumman).Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolia in US is also daughter of Sikh immigrant from Amritsar . List is long..See Wikipedia also

Arab League meets at Cairo

Al Aqsa in old Jerusalem is one of three holiest sites in Islam. An emergency meeting of Arab League permanent delegates was held to discuss the situation in the wake of latest Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque

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Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal, born in 1986, 6 ft 1 inches tall, left handed professional tennis player.He has won eleven grand slam single titles. He has also won 2008 Olympics( Beijing) singles Gold Medal.He also has an all time record of seven French open titles.

Tennis was reintroduced in 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul, after it was left out in 1924 at Paris.

Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal has won Madrid open Tennis tournament in Madrid ,Spain by by 2-0 on 12 May 2013.

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro was a communist revolution of Cuba, who was its Prime Minister from 1959-1976 and President from 1976-2008.He also remained Commander-in Chief of Cuba's Armed Forces since 1959-2008.

He was born illegitimate son of a wealthy farmer(13 August 1926) , Castro was married into  a wealthy family.He formed a military alliance with Soviet Union and allowed them to place nuclear weapons on the island, which sparked 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. attempts to remove him by assassination, economic blockade, counter revolution etc remained unsuccessful.

He is a symbol of communist revolution in Latin America. 

Raul Castro

Raul Castro came into power in 2008, when his brother Fedel Castro. He was also a rebel commander. who along his older brother Fidel Castro fought the guerrilla war in 1950s. After Fidel castro taking power, Raul had been a Minister of Armed Forces From 1959 to 2008, he was elected President of Cuba after his older brother Fidel Castro did not stand for election due to ailing health.


Mariela Castro

She is daughter of current Raul Castro, present president since 2008. She is a gay right activist and in the news for leading protest march against homophobia.

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Golan Heights

Located in North east of Israel,bordering Syria, the territory was captured by Israel in 1967 ( six day war). After Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israel agreed to return about 5 % of territory to Syrian civilian control. golan Heights are the most dominating features in the general area and suitable location for deployment of radar and surveillance stations.

Un Peacekeeping Force is controlling this strip as a demiltarised zone. Golan Heights was in the news when Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, a Syrian rebel group has freed four Phillipine UN Peacekeepers held earlier this week.
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Tallest Skyscraper of New York

1776 feet high, with 104 floor , one world trade centre is now tallest skyscraper of New York.

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Mig 29 K commissioned at INS Hansa

INS Hansa


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baby Factory raided in Nigeria

Ex Dictator of Gautemala sentenced to 80 years in prison

86 year old Retired General and Dictator of Gautemala Efrain Rios Montt was found guilty of genocide ( ordering 1771 death of Ixil Mayan ethnic indigenous group) during his dictatorship ( 1982-83). During Gautemalan civil war (1960-1996), approximately  2 lakh people were killed, mostly Mayans. Prosecuters said that Rios turned a blind eye when soldiers used rape, torture and arson against people suspecting helping leftist rebels.
Gautemala is a Central American country, which is on path of progress after signing Gautemalan Peace Accord in 1996.


Reshma Akhtar- Bangladesh Survivor

Where more than 1000 persons died, Reshma survived under rubble for 17 days. Miracles do happen,  keep the hope alive !

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Navi Pillay's concern over Syria

Navi Pillay has expressed concern that  Qusayr ( Syria ) is experiencing a major military built up and feared that there may be atrocities , the are is overrun. Qusayr is a town near Lenbanon border ( Homs Province), under rebels control but the Assad's force have captured villages around. Qusayr is under artillery shelling  and Hezbollah is also pounding the town( which has rebel hideouts) with its long range artillery.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cameron in Russia to discuss Syria

Russia is the long term ally of Syria and is supplying military hardware to Syria. Cameron's visit is an effort to bring Syria's crisis to an early end. There has been reports that Russia is supplying Syria with surface-to-air missiles already contracted. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister , had clarified that Russia is not planning to  sell advanced S-300 missile air defence system to Syria.

Putin said that possible option for a positive development in Syria , has been discussed with Cameron.

Putin said he had discussed possible options for a positive development of the situation in Syria with Cameron.


Naveenthem Navi Pillay

source picture

Naveenthem Navi Pillay is United Nations High commissioner for Human Rights. She has been first non white judge in South Africa. Also judge on International Criminal Court  and International Criminal tribunal for Rawanda.

Ohio suspect confirmed father of the girl born in captivity

DNA sample of Ohio suspect was taken on 9 May afternoon and the forensic scientists worked throughout the night to confirm that Castro is father of the girl born in captivity to one of the kidnapping victim.

Total time to announce the result - less than a day