Saturday, May 18, 2013

Operation Agata 7

Brazil has launched a  biggest  joint operation with military, navy,airforce ,police , federal police,highway patrol and other government agencies in tow. The idea is to clean up and sanitise Brazil with drug smuggling, trafficking in arms, environmental crimes, illegal immigration and other crimes, which infest Brazil, which has borders with 10 countries, 16,86km long .

Brazil is going to couduct very important and prestigious events. These are The Confederation Cup ( 15 day Fifa event) followed by hosting of 'World Youth Day' in Rio and then visit of Pope Francis. this is going to first international visit of Pope outside Vatican.

To take no chances, Brazil's airforce will be deploying Super Tucano Aircraft ( A-29) F5EM, aircraft radars, UAVs and helicopters.Army is using its aircraft and armoured  vehicles, whereas navy is deploying river patrol boats, UH-12 helicopters, ships and floating hospitals.

By doing these exercise, arrangements for upcoming World Cup ,2014 will also be fine tuned. The matches are to be played in six Brazilian cities- Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Fortaleza, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. 

On 30 March a 21 year old American woman was kidnapped and  gang raped in a mini bus in Rio. Operation Agata 7 is an effort to make Brazil totally sanitize and make fool proof arrangemenst ahead of the events to ensure that international travelers move around in Brazil completely free of any type of fear!

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