Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Chechnya is located in North Caucasus. Grozny is its Capital.Checnya had gained independence after first Chechen war( 1994-96), but after Second Chechen War , it came under federal control of Russia.chechen  with good guerilla tactics kept superior Russian forces at bay in first Chechen war.  

In 1997, when Chechnya based Islamic International Brigade launched an incursion in Dagestan, Dagestani villagers did not welcome the Islamist militia as 'liberators' and  considered them as occupiers and unwelcome religious fanatics.Russian forces lauched counterattacks with tanks ( T-90 first time) Airforce firing Fuel Air Explosives( FAE).Russia used force and Grozny was recaptured in 2000. In 2003, Chechnya was integrated with Russia by a referendum, with limited autonomy. In 2009, Russia pulled out its bulk of army and ended counter-terrorism operation.

Boston bombing suspects are ethnically Chechen.

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